Prime Numbers Wiki

2,203 is a prime number from 2001-3000. 2,203 has 2 factors, 1 and 2,203. It is the 328th prime number, and the 25th prime number from 2001-3000.

If you swap the digits of my friend (Rikosoft_Official)'s birthday (03/22), it results in a prime number If you also swap 3/22 and remove the /, it results in a prime as well (223)


  • Yes — 2,203 can be divided by 1
  • No — 2,203 cannot be divided by 2-2,202
  • Yes — 2,203 can be divided by 2,203

Relationship with other odd numbers[]

The numbers before[]

  • The previous prime number is 2,179, 24 numbers away.
    • 2,183 can be factored as 37 x 59.
    • 2,189 is divisible by 11.
    • 2,191 is divisible by 7.
    • 2,197 is the cube of 13, being 133.
    • 2,201 can be factored as 31 x 71.

The numbers after[]

  • The next prime number is 2,207, 4 numbers away.
    • Therefore, 2,203 and 2,207 are cousin primes.