Prime Numbers Wiki

37 is a prime number from 1-100. 37 has 2 factors, 1 and 37. It is said to be another number wherein when digits are added together, they make a composite number. It is the twelfth prime number, and the twelfth prime number from 1-100.



  • Yes — 37 can be divided by 1.
  • No — 37 cannot be divided by 2-36.
  • Yes — 37 can be divided by 37.
  • Therefore, 37 has 2 factors.

As an Exponent of Mersenne Number

237 - 1, which is the number 137,438,953,471, is divisible by 223, and therefore not a prime number.

Rela​tionship with other odd numbers

The numbers before

  • The previous prime number is 31. The numbers in between are composite.
    • Among them, 33 is divisible by 3 and 11, while 35 is divisible by 5 and 7.
    • 31 and 37 are six numbers apart; therefore, they are sexy primes.

The numbers after

  • The next odd number, 39, is not a prime number. It is divisible by 3 and 13.
  • 41, the odd number following 39, is a prime number.
    • 37 and 41 are four numbers apart; therefore, they are cousin primes.
  • 43, the odd number following 41, is a prime number.
    • 37 and 43 are six numbers apart; therefore, they are sexy primes.



  • Rubidium atomic number
  • Normal temperature of human's body


  • Number of plays of William Shakespeare that is thought to have written (counting Henry IV as three parts)