Prime Numbers Wiki

677 is a prime number from 601-700. 677 has 2 factors, 1 and 677. It is the 123rd prime number, and the fourteenth prime number from 601-700. 



  • Yes — 677 can be divided by 1.
  • No — 677 cannot be divided by 2-676.
  • Yes — 677 can be divided by 677.

Relationship with other odd numbers[]

The numbers before[]

  • The previous prime number is 673.
    • 673 and 677 are four numbers apart; therefore, they are cousin primes.
  • The previous prime number before 673 is 661.
    • Notably, 667 is the product of 23 and 29, while 671 is divisible by 11. They are both composite numbers.

The numbers after[]

  • The next prime number is 683.
    • 677 and 683 are six numbers apart; therefore, they are sexy primes.
    • 679 is divisible by 7, therefore not a prime number.
  • 691 is the next prime number after 683.
    • 689 is a composite number, being the product of 13 and 53.

