Prime Numbers Wiki

997 is a prime number from 901-1000. 997 has 2 factors, 1 and 997. It's the 168th prime number and the fourteenth and last prime number from 901-1,000. Furthermore, it's the largest prime number spelled without the letter “o”.


  • Yes — 997 can be divided by 1.
  • No — 997 cannot be divided by 2-996.
  • Yes — 997 can be divided by 997.

As an Exponent of Mersenne Number[]

2997 - 1 has a known factor, and is therefore not a prime number. The factor is 57 digits long:


Relationship with other odd numbers[]

The numbers before[]

  • The previous prime number is 991.
    • 991 and 997 are sexy primes.
  • The previous prime number before 991 is 983, 8 numbers away.
    • 989 is the product of 23 and 43.

The numbers after[]

  • The next prime number is 1,009, 12 numbers away.
    • 999 is divisible by 3.
    • 1,001 is divisible by 7.
    • 1,003 is divisible by 17.
    • 1,005 is divisible by 5
    • 1,007 can be factored as 19 x 53.
  • 1,013 is the next prime number after 1,009.


  • 997 is the smallest prime number whose digits excluding the ones digit add up to an even number that is not an additive prime number. The number’s digits excluding the ones digit add up to 18, and the digits including the ones digit add up to 25.