Prime Numbers Wiki

1,223 is a prime number from 1001-2000. 1,223 has 2 factors, 1 and 1,223. It is the 200th prime number, and the 32nd prime number from 1001-2000.


  • Yes — 1,223 can be divided by 1
  • No — 1,223 cannot be divided by 2-1,222
  • Yes — 1,223 can be divided by 1,223

Relationships with other odd numbers[]

The numbers before[]

  • 1,217 is the previous prime number.
    • 1,213 and 1,217 are cousin primes.

The numbers after[]

  • 1,229 is the next prime number.
    • 1,223 and 1,229 are sexy primes.